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Must Read
IIPM in Financial Times, UK. Feature of the week
- 2nd Highest International Placements in India: B-Schooled in India and placed abroad, an article in - The Hindustan Times

- More news on a record 2650 students placed for the class of '08 and an amazing 165 International Placements
- IIPM makes business education truly global - The Times of India
- 72 subjects in two years! The secret of IIPM's superiority! - The Times of India

- Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri's recommendations to Kapil Sibal
- Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri writes a landmark article on how to judge B-Schools with reference to ISB, IIMS & IIPM in India
- Exclusive in chat with society magazine - Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri
- Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri speaks on "Why IIPM course is No. 1 in India" - The Hindustan Times

- Top 100 students from all India IIPM branches undertake A Professional Certificate Pro. in Investment Banking by National University of Singapore ext.
- IIPM in Financial Times, UK. IIPM has become a member of Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN)

- Yale - Harvard - IMD - Wharton - Stanford - Oxford - Cambridge - LSE professors have visited IIPM in the past
- IIPM faculty conducts joint workshops for corporate India with professors from Harvard - Stanford - LSE - Wharton - Yale - Oxford - Cambridge…
- IIPM Students visit - Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, Colombo, Dubai, Paris, London, Italy, America, Austria, Germany, Spain ...
- IIPM has organised for the first time in India an executive education program with Stanford University and a real estate conclave with MIT
- IIPM & Yale have for the first time in India conducted a joint research related to confidence index in India
- IIPM journals have been a part of the most exclusive New York Times Business Wire, which is distributed to over 200 media houses world-wide.
- IIPM has been on the World Bank Institute's Corporate Social Governance Steering Committee.
- IIPM has been the key partner institution of UNDP in India for their Leadership for Transformation Programme.
- More news on a record 2650 students placed for the class of '08 and an amazing 165 International Placements
Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri speaking to a crowd of 40000+ at Dainik Bhaskar's anniversary in Nagpur |